
TENMAT Fire Rated LED Light Enclosures win Top Product Award

Electrical Products & Solutions Magazine selects TENMAT Fire Rated LED Light Enclosures as Top Product

The US trade publication Electrical Products & Solutions (EPS) has named TENMAT UL Fire Rated LED Light Enclosures one of the Top Products for electrical contractors in 2017.

EPS recognizes that TENMAT recessed light enclosures are the most versatile solution to safely fire protect in-ceiling recessed lights and prevent flame spread in case of a fire.

LED luminaires are becoming increasingly popular in both retrofit and new construction applications as they consume less electricity and burn much cooler than incandescent lights. However since these lights still penetrate the fire resistance-rated ceiling, the building code requires them to be enclosed with a solution that will maintain the fire resistance rating of the ceiling assembly.

TENMAT covers were specifically designed to meet this building code requirement and provide a 1 hour fire resistance rating for your LED luminaire.

In addition, the unique design gives the architect, developer and electrical contractor more freedom in light and trim selection as the covers are suited to fit a wide range of light sizes, types and brands.

The flexible and lightweight nature of the covers makes installation quick and easy to provide a fire rated LED light, decreases the stress put on the ceiling and significantly reduces labor costs compared to standard dry-walled box constructions, making it the ideal solution for electrical contractors.

The high expansion and insulating properties of the cover ensure that both, flame spread and heat transmission, are stopped for 60 minutes (FF109-300 and/or FF109-350).

For our full line of fire rated LED light enclosures, please visit


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