


Dear Valued TENMAT Customer,

TENMAT as a responsible and essential supplier to key industries, such as healthcare, construction, oil & gas, defense, and many more,  has been assessing daily the impact of the COVID-19 virus and in particular, how this may affect our customers and employees.

We have taken extensive measures to protect the health and safety of our employees while minimizing the impact on the day-to-day running of the business.

Our US sales & distribution center in Newport, Delaware, as well as all of our manufacturing facilities are in full operation and we have a robust contingency plan in place to ensure that operations continue as normal. We have increased our stock levels of fire rated recessed light enclosures, fire rated troffer covers, insulation protection covers and all other items to ensure uninterrupted operations. We can reassure you that we do not foresee any difficulties in continuing to supply all of our customers.

Please see this important update from our CEO, Gordon MacLeman, concerning TENMAT’s Operations and Supply Chain.

TENMAT Inc is available for any assistance or questions you have at this time. Please contact us at info[at]tenmatus[dot]com or call 1-800-821-3436.



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