“Reconstruct” the Way You Do PFP.

Explore the process of specifying appropriate passive fire protection solutions into active and future reconstruction projects.

Opening Up the Floor.

In the modern world of construction, we always discuss the latest practices and technological innovations for new construction – so, what about pre-existing buildings? From preserving historical structures to repurposing outdated buildings, redevelopment projects have become an increasing trend in the landscape. However, construction professionals are facing a huge challenge – specifying appropriate passive fire protection systems into these modernized infrastructures – especially when it comes to relighting renovations and audio additions.

To address this growing safety issue, Tenmat will be reviewing the following in this article:

  • The purpose of implementing passive fire protection, and how it coordinates with previously installed active fire protection systems,
  • Why passive fire protection is essential when renewing the lighting and/or audio systems in pre-existing buildings, and the
  • Key strategies and common mistakes that arise when specifying passive fire protection in ceiling upgrades and renovations.

By examining the purpose, benefits, and key strategies of specifying passive fire protection, this discussion aims to equip construction professionals with the insights needed to enhance safety and efficiency in relighting renovations and beyond. Let’s dive into the essential considerations that will allow our present and future buildings to provide true peace of mind for their occupants.

Understanding the Balance of Passive and Active.

Often, when curating the plans and specifications for new construction projects, architectural engineers ensure all 1) building code regulations are properly met, and 2) the appropriate technology and/or solutions are accurately installed. However, if you are a member of the construction landscape, you understand the turnaround of amending building regulations – an almost everyday occurrence. Therefore, it is fairly common that when remodeling a pre-existing building, parts of the structure aren’t aligned with the current version of the building code. Due to this typical complication, the project’s construction team will need to update the structure to meet the current building code requirements – especially when it comes to life safety.

Regardless of whether you are standing present-day in a late 19th century or 21st century building, you will be able to easily detect standard, updated active fire protection systems, such as fire sprinkler systems and fire extinguishers. On the other hand, the rapid adoption of various passive fire protection requirements creates a high level of difficulty for recently built infrastructures to even meet the most up-to-date code. Therefore, it is critical to ensure that these passive fire protection systems are updated properly when a pre-existing building is experiencing a remodel.

Why Does It Matter.

Why? Well, it resides with one the main reasons on why we specify passive fire protection systems in the first place – the safety of lives and property. Often, during remodeling projects, a variety of                 violations of the fire code arise; however, there is one single safety issue that flies under the radar– unprotected ceiling openings. Intermittently, architects and developers tend to be unfamiliar with or overlook Section 714.5.2 of the 2021 IBC, which addresses the significance of properly fire rating unprotected ceiling openings. When installed into a fire-resistance rated ceiling/floor assembly, recessed ceiling fixtures, whether it be a lighting or audio, allows a clear pathway for an active fire to travel. When exposed to the high temperatures of a fire for several minutes, the ceiling fixture is reduced to nothing – allowing heat, flames, and smoke to rapidly accelerate throughout a building.

To tackle this life safety hazard, modern day architects have begun specifying proper passive fire protection measures to certify that these openings are sealed properly, and the assembly’s integrity is reinstated. Alas, this reinstatement process has only been regulated into modern-day construction – which opens the concern surrounding relighting renovations in prior existing infrastructures. In these relighting projects, contractors are being faced with the task to reinforce the ceiling’s unprotected openings. So, how would a contractor go about rectifying this life safety hazard?

Key Tools to Successful Relighting Projects.

When determining your initial steps to confirm the integrity of your fire-rated ceiling, you need to detect if your ceiling needs to be properly fire-rated. As previously stated, it is common for contractors to not recognize the demand for passive fire protection for in-ceiling fixtures – especially if there isn’t any current passive fire protection present. Therefore, it is extremely critical to review your project’s plan and the International Building Code to determine if your relighting project will need a proper passive fire protection system. After this determination, it is critical to select the most appropriate fire-rated solution for the project itself. To name some of criteria to ponder in this selection is:

  • Does the fire-rated solution align with the stringent building code requirements in the Internation Building Code?
  • Has the fire-rated solution been properly tested and certified by an accredited third-party laboratory?
  • Will the installation of this solution meet the project’s personal demands, such as expected lead times and retrofitting demands?

When deciding on which fire-rated solution you will specify into your project, it is important to recognize if the solution can be installed into a pre-existing ceiling. Majority of fire-rated solutions, such as traditional fire-rated drywall boxes, are unable to installed into a pre-existing ceiling – adding major delays in project lead times and astronomical labor costs. Here at Tenmat, we have acknowledged these universal complications and have designed a line of fire-rated solutions to meet not only the building code; but, the demand of the individuals, who will be specifying and installing these solutions. Explore the benefits of choosing Tenmat’s Fire Rated Covers for relighting upgrades in pre-existing ceilings below:

Passive Fire Protection for Recessed Lighting Fixtures.

  • Universally, pre-existing buildings are looking to decrease their monthly energy costs – opting in for energy-efficient light fixtures. Some of the popular lighting fixtures used to complete this request include LED downlight wafers and troffer luminaires. At Tenmat, we have formulated a line of fire-rated enclosures to properly fire rate either an LED downlight or troffer. Understanding that these solutions will need to be placed into a pre-existing ceiling, Tenmat’s Fire Rated Covers for LED downlights and troffer luminaires can easily be retrofitted into the ceiling. To further explore this fire-rated technology, please click here.

Passive Fire Protection for In-Ceiling Loudspeakers.

  • As interior ambience and environment become an essential part of modern-day design, implementing in-ceiling loudspeakers have been a common upgrade in commercial spaces. However, the installation of these loudspeakers does expose the integrity of the fire-rated ceiling’s composition. Engineered to be retrofitted into a pre-existing ceiling, Tenmat’s FF109-FRSC 1 Hr. Fire Rated Speaker Cover is tailored to fire rate a wide range of in-ceiling loudspeakers, regardless of manufacturer or model. To learn more about the FF109-FRSC and its additional benefits, please click here.
If you any additional questions about Tenmat’s technology, please feel free to contact us here.

Common Mistakes in Relighting Projects.

With a clear vision on how an individual should proceed when working with passive fire protection in ceilings, it’s time to address some of the common mistakes one can face during installation. One of the most common mistakes during relighting upgrades is failing to maintain the integrity of specified fire-rated solutions. Cutting through fire-resistant ceilings to install new lighting fixtures or in-ceiling loudspeakers often leads to gaps or penetrations that are not properly sealed afterward. This oversight can significantly compromise the compartmentation of a building, allowing smoke and fire to spread more rapidly in an emergency. Contractors may also use incorrect materials for sealing penetrations, such as non-rated sealants, which do not meet fire protection standards. Ensuring that all penetrations are sealed with tested and approved fire-stopping systems is critical to maintaining the fire-resistance rating of the structure. To avoid this common issue, all Tenmat’s Fire-Rated Solutions do not require any additional tools or materials upon installation.

Still and all, there is one last major mistake that curates an improper fire-rated resistance ceiling– specifying improperly fire tested and certified products and materials. Repeatedly, contractors and specifiers have failed to recognize the difference between a solution that holds a proper vs. improper fire rating. For a solution to uphold a proper fire rating, the solution needs to undergo proper testing and certification from an accredited third-party testing facility, such as UL and Intertek. To review a product’s testing and certification, simply visit the manufacturer’s website, and review the solution’s listing, test report, or certification. If you are unable to locate the certification or questioning the authenticity of the certification, you can visit one of the national and international acclaimed independent third-party testing laboratories, such as Underwriter Laboratories (UL) or Intertek, and verify the solution’s testing. If you are unable to find the proper certification, the “fire-rated solution” is not properly fire tested. All of Tenmat’s Fire Rated Covers are properly tested and certified testing laboratories, such as UL and Intertek.


To wrap up this entire article into one statement, passive fire protection is a critical and often overlooked aspect of relighting renovations in existing buildings. As urban infrastructure evolves and renovation projects become more common practice, ensuring the safety of both the structure and its occupants must remain a top priority. Properly specifying and installing fire-rated solutions is essential for preserving the integrity of fire-resistance rated assemblies, particularly in ceiling upgrades that are often subject to unprotected openings caused by recessed lights and in-ceiling loudspeakers. By understanding the importance of both curating a cohesive fire protection system that incorporates both passive and active fire protection, construction professionals can not only comply with current building codes but also enhance the overall safety of redevelopment projects.


Avoiding common mistakes—such as failing to properly seal penetrations, using untested materials, and neglecting to verify fire ratings—can significantly reduce risks and ensure compliance with the latest safety standards. By taking the time to select high-quality, certified fire-rated products, like Tenmat’s Fire Rated Covers, construction teams can streamline the installation process, reduce delays, and ultimately provide greater peace of mind for building occupants. As the industry continues to innovate, combining modern technologies with reliable, passive fire protection will remain a cornerstone in ensuring the safety and longevity of both existing and future buildings.

Don’t Leave Any Question Unanswered.

Learn More About the Ins and Outs of Passive Fire Protection in the Vast Spectrum of Construction Applications.

In today’s construction landscape, construction professionals are constantly experiencing building code adoptions. One of the key reasons for the consistency in building code updates is the advocacy for up-to-date life safety measures for traditional and modern construction applications. Therefore, the use of passive fire protection has become quite popular on active construction sites and new construction infrastructures; however, there are still questions surrounding this form of life hazard. Here at Tenmat, we understand the monetary costs of a failed building inspection and the liability of installing a falsified fire-rated solution. In this blog, we will be answering some of the most important and frequently asked questions regarding passive fire protection. Well, there’s no time to waste when it comes to safety – let’s get started!

“I just failed a building inspection. The electrical inspector stated that my fire-resistance rated ceilings have been compromised, due to installation of recessed can lights. Why is my ceiling compromised? What building codes are associated with this situation? Are there any available solutions?”

Municipalities across the United States – through adoption of the International Building Code – require fire-resistance-rated ceilings for certain commercial, industrial, institutional, residential, and other occupancies buildings. When a fire-resistance rated ceiling assembly is penetrated by a fixture, such as recessed can light, LED downlight, or troffer luminaire, the ceiling is now compromised. The reason being is when there is a fire outbreak, the flames and heat disintegrate the fixture within several minutes. Once the fixture is non-existent, the ceiling opening no longer works as a barrier to protect flames, heat, and smoke from traveling throughout the rest of the building. As a result, building code professionals have established a requirement for these unprotected ceiling openings. For reference, in section 714.5.2 of the 2021 IBC: “Where floor/ceiling assemblies are required to have a fire-resistance rating, recessed fixtures shall be installed such that the required fire resistance will not be reduced.” To resolve this issue, there are various passive fire protection solutions that accommodate to these life safety hazards, which we will learn more about in this blog.

“I am specifying passive fire protection solutions in a new-construction multifamily complex. I saw various forms of passive fire protection solutions; but I know not all solutions are properly fire-tested. How do I know which solutions are properly fire-tested?”

One of the simplest ways to confirm that a solution is properly fire tested is to visit the manufacturer’s website, and review the solution’s listing, test report, or certification. If you are unable to locate the certification or questioning the authenticity of the certification, you can visit one of the national and international acclaimed independent third-party testing laboratories, such as Underwriter Laboratories (UL) or Intertek, and verify the solution’s testing. If you are unable to find the proper certification, the “fire-rated solution” is not properly fire tested.

“Currently, I am looking for a non-standard passive fire protection solution. How do I accommodate this life safety hazard with the correct passive fire protection solution?”

With the rapid growth of modern construction practices, new life safety hazards spring up on a regular basis. In response, passive fire protection manufacturers are expected to formulate the proper solutions for these hazards; however, modern construction practices are accelerating more rapidly than the evolution of passive fire protection solutions. Here at Tenmat, we understand that all life safety hazards need to be fitted with the proper solution. With our on-site research and development team, we have the accessibility to work one-on-one with construction and building professionals to develop non-standard passive fire protection solutions and test them. Sounds like a current problem you are facing? Contact us at +1-800-821-3436 to learn more about the opportunities Tenmat has to offer you and your team.

“When exploring for passive fire protection solutions, I came across a variety of fire-rated materials. What are the differences between intumescent, mineral wool, fire-rated drywall, and metal solutions?”

With the growing demand for passive fire protection solutions, the availability of different fire-rated materials has significantly increased. One of the traditional firestopping materials is “fire-resistant” gypsum wallboard. This material tends to result in a highly labor-intensive installation, which may increase the cost of installation beyond budget limits. Another commonly used material is metal; however, metal is not very flexible, in terms of aesthetic and product variations. In addition to its lack of flexibility, metal is also known to be a poor insulator and will not sufficiently stop the fire’s heat transfer. In contrast, mineral wool and intumescent are known to be ideal for firestopping applications, due to their flexible nature and their adaptability to produce various forms of firestopping solutions.

Even though the above materials are associated with firestopping capabilities, it DOES NOT mean that the final product offers the same level of firestopping. Therefore, it is critical to review the manufacturer’s testing certification to verify that a solution is properly fire tested.

“I know unprotected ceiling openings caused by recessed lights need to be properly fire-rated. But, what about other recessed fixtures, such as in-ceiling loudspeakers?”

Yes, in-ceiling loudspeakers need to be properly fire-rated in fire-resistance rated ceiling/floor assemblies. In addition to the 2021 IBC Section 714.5.2, the 2017 NEC (National Electrical Code) requires in Section 640.25, “Loudspeakers installed in a fire-resistance rated partition, wall or ceiling shall be listed in an enclosure or recess that maintains the fire resistance rating”. Even though this life safety hazard has been present for several years, there are very few optimal solutions to rectify this hazard. As a direct response to this building code, Tenmat has formulated the optimal fire-rated solution, the FF109-FRSC, a 1 Hour Fire-Rated Speaker Cover. Composed with the latest intumescent technology, the FF109-FRSC has the ability to contain flames, smoke, and heat for 60 minutes – allowing additional time for evacuation of the blazed structure. As an added bonus, the sound absorbing properties of the proprietary intumescent material enhances the acoustic performance and protection of the installed loudspeaker. Learn more about the key benefits of installing Tenmat’s FF109-FRSC by visiting this website.

“I noticed that there a variety of passive fire protection solutions on the market. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each variation of fire-rated solutions?”

There are several different solutions for fire-resistance rated ceiling membrane applications with a diverse range of prices, approvals from third-party testing facilities, and product designs. One of the recent trending solutions are “fire-rated” lights. These solutions are budget-friendly and offer quick, easy installation for on-site contractors. However, a huge misconception about these solutions is because they are composed of metal – they are UL-classified and are suitable for applications where fire-resistance is required. However, this is false. Even though, metal itself, offers some firestopping properties – it is a poor insulator and does not mean that a metal-based solution qualifies as a fire-rated solution. In order for any solution to claim they are fire-rated, it needs to be tested and approved by a third-party laboratory.

One of the more traditional firestopping methods is fire-rated drywall boxes. This firestopping method is where gypsum wallboard surrounds the recessed fixtures; however, there are several cons of this practice. Dry-wall boxes are known to be very labor intensive and may increase the cost of installation beyond budget limits, in addition to possibly not having a proper fire-resistance rating.

Finally, a popular intumescent firestopping solution, which is properly fire-tested by a third-party laboratory (UL and Intertek), are Tenmat’s Fire-Rated Enclosures for in-ceiling fixtures. Tenmat covers are suitable for recessed can lights, LED downlights, troffer luminaires, and in-ceiling loudspeakers – applicable to various sizes and systems. Tenmat Fire Rated Speaker Covers are used in various applications throughout the entire United States and Canada; from multi-residential homes to retail spaces, hospitals, and assisted-living homes. To learn more about Fire Rated Covers, please visit https://www.tenmatusa.com/.

Today, we covered a majority of the most frequently asked questions regarding passive fire protection solutions and their role in the evolving construction landscape. However, we aren’t learning if no additional questions arise. If we didn’t answer your questions today, please feel free to contact one of our on-site specialists at +1 (800) 821-3436 or email us at info@tenmatusa.com.