NEW Fire Protection Foams and Sealants

Fire Protection Sealant

TENMAT adds full line of Fire Protection for electrical wires, conduits and cables in membrane and through penetrations in walls and ceilings, including Fire Protection Foams, Fire Protection Sealants and Fire Protection Blocks.

The FF365 is TENMAT’s new Fire Protection Sealant designed to help properly fire rate membrane penetrations in walls and ceilings. The FF365 is suitable for irregular, hard-to-access, and small penetrations and can be used in combination with other TENMAT products such as the FF260 Blocks, the FF160 Plugs and the FF130E Recessed Light Cover series.

The FF360 Fire Protection Foam is a UL classified two-component intumescent foam that can be used in combination with the FF260 Blocks or FF160 Plugs to seal wall and ceiling openings. FF360 is suitable for irregular or hard-to-access openings and can also be used as a single product solution.

The FF260 TENMAT Fire Protection Blocks can be stacked and cut to fire rate wall penetrations. FF260 blocks are designed to be stacked and cover larger penetrations, such as cable tray openings, etc. FF260 is made of a soft and flexible intumescent material which allows for easy retroactive installation of cables or pipes in openings up to 384 in² with a max. dimension of 32””.

These innovative materials:
• Are CLEAN to work with
• Have QUICK handling times
• Are EASY TO RETROFIT after they’ve been cured

Benefits of TENMAT Fire Protection Foams, Fire Protection Sealants and Fire Protection Blocks include:

• Fire tested and rated
• Easy Retroactive Installation
• Cost-effective
• Easy application
• Suitable for openings that are difficult to access or that are irregular
• Fast and clean work
• Suitable for large and medium openings with a mix of penetrating elements
• Flexible
• Single product solution
• UL Classified

TENMAT products can be used in firestopping applications throughout the entire United States and Canada; from office buildings and high rises, to small apartments, over single-family homes to multifamily dwellings, college dormitories, hospitals, assisted-living facilities, and hotels.

For more information about TENMAT’s new Fire Protection Foams and Sealants, please visit