Don’t Leave Any Question Unanswered.

Learn More About the Ins and Outs of Passive Fire Protection in the Vast Spectrum of Construction Applications.

In today’s construction landscape, construction professionals are constantly experiencing building code adoptions. One of the key reasons for the consistency in building code updates is the advocacy for up-to-date life safety measures for traditional and modern construction applications. Therefore, the use of passive fire protection has become quite popular on active construction sites and new construction infrastructures; however, there are still questions surrounding this form of life hazard. Here at Tenmat, we understand the monetary costs of a failed building inspection and the liability of installing a falsified fire-rated solution. In this blog, we will be answering some of the most important and frequently asked questions regarding passive fire protection. Well, there’s no time to waste when it comes to safety – let’s get started!

“I just failed a building inspection. The electrical inspector stated that my fire-resistance rated ceilings have been compromised, due to installation of recessed can lights. Why is my ceiling compromised? What building codes are associated with this situation? Are there any available solutions?”

Municipalities across the United States – through adoption of the International Building Code – require fire-resistance-rated ceilings for certain commercial, industrial, institutional, residential, and other occupancies buildings. When a fire-resistance rated ceiling assembly is penetrated by a fixture, such as recessed can light, LED downlight, or troffer luminaire, the ceiling is now compromised. The reason being is when there is a fire outbreak, the flames and heat disintegrate the fixture within several minutes. Once the fixture is non-existent, the ceiling opening no longer works as a barrier to protect flames, heat, and smoke from traveling throughout the rest of the building. As a result, building code professionals have established a requirement for these unprotected ceiling openings. For reference, in section 714.5.2 of the 2021 IBC: “Where floor/ceiling assemblies are required to have a fire-resistance rating, recessed fixtures shall be installed such that the required fire resistance will not be reduced.” To resolve this issue, there are various passive fire protection solutions that accommodate to these life safety hazards, which we will learn more about in this blog.

“I am specifying passive fire protection solutions in a new-construction multifamily complex. I saw various forms of passive fire protection solutions; but I know not all solutions are properly fire-tested. How do I know which solutions are properly fire-tested?”

One of the simplest ways to confirm that a solution is properly fire tested is to visit the manufacturer’s website, and review the solution’s listing, test report, or certification. If you are unable to locate the certification or questioning the authenticity of the certification, you can visit one of the national and international acclaimed independent third-party testing laboratories, such as Underwriter Laboratories (UL) or Intertek, and verify the solution’s testing. If you are unable to find the proper certification, the “fire-rated solution” is not properly fire tested.

“Currently, I am looking for a non-standard passive fire protection solution. How do I accommodate this life safety hazard with the correct passive fire protection solution?”

With the rapid growth of modern construction practices, new life safety hazards spring up on a regular basis. In response, passive fire protection manufacturers are expected to formulate the proper solutions for these hazards; however, modern construction practices are accelerating more rapidly than the evolution of passive fire protection solutions. Here at Tenmat, we understand that all life safety hazards need to be fitted with the proper solution. With our on-site research and development team, we have the accessibility to work one-on-one with construction and building professionals to develop non-standard passive fire protection solutions and test them. Sounds like a current problem you are facing? Contact us at +1-800-821-3436 to learn more about the opportunities Tenmat has to offer you and your team.

“When exploring for passive fire protection solutions, I came across a variety of fire-rated materials. What are the differences between intumescent, mineral wool, fire-rated drywall, and metal solutions?”

With the growing demand for passive fire protection solutions, the availability of different fire-rated materials has significantly increased. One of the traditional firestopping materials is “fire-resistant” gypsum wallboard. This material tends to result in a highly labor-intensive installation, which may increase the cost of installation beyond budget limits. Another commonly used material is metal; however, metal is not very flexible, in terms of aesthetic and product variations. In addition to its lack of flexibility, metal is also known to be a poor insulator and will not sufficiently stop the fire’s heat transfer. In contrast, mineral wool and intumescent are known to be ideal for firestopping applications, due to their flexible nature and their adaptability to produce various forms of firestopping solutions.

Even though the above materials are associated with firestopping capabilities, it DOES NOT mean that the final product offers the same level of firestopping. Therefore, it is critical to review the manufacturer’s testing certification to verify that a solution is properly fire tested.

“I know unprotected ceiling openings caused by recessed lights need to be properly fire-rated. But, what about other recessed fixtures, such as in-ceiling loudspeakers?”

Yes, in-ceiling loudspeakers need to be properly fire-rated in fire-resistance rated ceiling/floor assemblies. In addition to the 2021 IBC Section 714.5.2, the 2017 NEC (National Electrical Code) requires in Section 640.25, “Loudspeakers installed in a fire-resistance rated partition, wall or ceiling shall be listed in an enclosure or recess that maintains the fire resistance rating”. Even though this life safety hazard has been present for several years, there are very few optimal solutions to rectify this hazard. As a direct response to this building code, Tenmat has formulated the optimal fire-rated solution, the FF109-FRSC, a 1 Hour Fire-Rated Speaker Cover. Composed with the latest intumescent technology, the FF109-FRSC has the ability to contain flames, smoke, and heat for 60 minutes – allowing additional time for evacuation of the blazed structure. As an added bonus, the sound absorbing properties of the proprietary intumescent material enhances the acoustic performance and protection of the installed loudspeaker. Learn more about the key benefits of installing Tenmat’s FF109-FRSC by visiting this website.

“I noticed that there a variety of passive fire protection solutions on the market. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each variation of fire-rated solutions?”

There are several different solutions for fire-resistance rated ceiling membrane applications with a diverse range of prices, approvals from third-party testing facilities, and product designs. One of the recent trending solutions are “fire-rated” lights. These solutions are budget-friendly and offer quick, easy installation for on-site contractors. However, a huge misconception about these solutions is because they are composed of metal – they are UL-classified and are suitable for applications where fire-resistance is required. However, this is false. Even though, metal itself, offers some firestopping properties – it is a poor insulator and does not mean that a metal-based solution qualifies as a fire-rated solution. In order for any solution to claim they are fire-rated, it needs to be tested and approved by a third-party laboratory.

One of the more traditional firestopping methods is fire-rated drywall boxes. This firestopping method is where gypsum wallboard surrounds the recessed fixtures; however, there are several cons of this practice. Dry-wall boxes are known to be very labor intensive and may increase the cost of installation beyond budget limits, in addition to possibly not having a proper fire-resistance rating.

Finally, a popular intumescent firestopping solution, which is properly fire-tested by a third-party laboratory (UL and Intertek), are Tenmat’s Fire-Rated Enclosures for in-ceiling fixtures. Tenmat covers are suitable for recessed can lights, LED downlights, troffer luminaires, and in-ceiling loudspeakers – applicable to various sizes and systems. Tenmat Fire Rated Speaker Covers are used in various applications throughout the entire United States and Canada; from multi-residential homes to retail spaces, hospitals, and assisted-living homes. To learn more about Fire Rated Covers, please visit

Today, we covered a majority of the most frequently asked questions regarding passive fire protection solutions and their role in the evolving construction landscape. However, we aren’t learning if no additional questions arise. If we didn’t answer your questions today, please feel free to contact one of our on-site specialists at +1 (800) 821-3436 or email us at

Passive Fire Protection 101 – Don’t Fail Building Inspections

Don’t Fail Building Inspections

Knowledge about the regulations regarding recessed lights in fire-resistance-rated ceilings can help avoid costly mistakes and legal actions. There seems to be a great deal of confusion about what exactly fire-resistance-rating means, where it is applicable, and the solutions available to meet the building code requirements.

The widespread adoption and understanding of codes requiring continuity of fire-resistance-rated assemblies throughout the world has made this subject more and more relevant to contractors, builders, code officials, architects, building owners and managers, and homeowners. But instead of decreasing confusion over the issue, continuous changes in state code adoption legislation and increased demand for fire-resistance-rated, code compliant products and systems have far outpaced the availability of education on the topic.

What does fire-resistance-rating actually mean?

A fire-resistance-rating typically states the duration for which a building element or an assemblage of materials can withstand a standard fire-resistance exposure test. A fire-resistance-rating is usually given to an assembly consisting of various building materials that can resist the exposure of a standardized fire exposure for a set amount of time, or it may contain a variety of other criteria involving other evidence of functionality or fitness for purpose.
Fire-resistance-ratings were developed to evaluate the performance of building elements and assemblies during an intense fire exposure and can be applied to wall, floor, or roof systems, also known as horizontal assemblies.

How do you properly fire rate a ceiling?

The 2021 version of the International Building Code addresses this issue explicitly in section 714.5.2, Membrane Penetrations:

714.5.2 Membrane penetrations. Penetrations of membranes that are part of a horizontal assembly shall comply with Section 714.5.1.1 or 714.5.1.2. Where floor/ceiling assemblies are required to have a fire-resistance rating, recessed fixtures shall be installed such that the required fire resistance will not be reduced.

In addition, this section of the Code includes several exceptions. The following exception applies to listed luminaries (light fixtures). Please refer to the entire Code language and exceptions which apply to other types of membrane penetrations.

8. Ceiling membrane penetrations by listed luminaires (light fixtures) or by luminaires protected with listed materials, which have been tested for use in fire-resistance-rated assemblies and are installed in accordance with the instructions included in the listing.

To meet this membrane protection code requirement, the ceiling must serve as an unbroken, continuous fire-resistance-rated horizontal assembly for a specific period of time.

In fire-resistance-rated wallboard applications, a typical assembly might have one layer of gypsum wallboard used on the underside of a floor/ceiling assembly that has been tested in accordance with the ASTM E 119 or UL 263 requirements for the hourly fire-resistance-rated assembly. In some cases, this could be a 1-hour fire-resistance-rated assembly; however, the time requirement may be greater than 1-hour, depending on the occupancy, height, and area of the building.

Use solutions that work best for your project and timeline.

There are several different solutions for fire-resistance-rated ceiling membrane applications with a diverse range of prices, approvals gained from fire-testing, and complexity. A common solution is prefabricated Fire-Resistance-Rated Light Fixtures, which have a variety of proven fire-resistance testing but are also the costliest choice
To avoid using these expensive lights, many construct boxes made from gypsum wallboard to surround the lighting fixture. This is very labor-intensive and may increase the cost of installation beyond budget limits, in addition to possibly not having a fire-resistance-rating.

Metal enclosures are also becoming an increasingly popular choice in the fire-resistance-rating dilemma. However, these are not UL-classified as a fire-resistance-rated assembly and so are not suitable for applications where fire-resistance is required.
A popular solution that is UL-classified are Fire-Resistance-Rated Light Covers. These covers are suitable for various recessed light fixture sizes and luminaires, and they comply with building code requirements for continuous fire-resistance in horizontal assemblies.

The covers are widely accepted by code officials throughout the entire United States, and possibly in other countries as well. One- and two-hour Fire-Resistance-Rated Light Covers are available from a variety of manufacturers at several different price points. They are proven to act as a suitable fire-resistance-rated horizontal assembly when called upon by fire and smoke.

Tenmat’s Fire Rated Recessed Light Covers are the solutions you’re looking for.

TENMAT fire rated enclosures and firestopping products have been designed to meet the building code and to help maintain the integrity of fire-resistance rated ceilings when penetrated by recessed lights, LED luminaires, fluorescent fixtures or in-ceiling loudspeakers or walls when penetrated by wires, cables, pipes or mixed penetrations. Tenmat’s unique design gives the architect, specifier and installer more freedom in fixture selection as the covers are suited to a wide range of recessed fixtures.

The flexible and lightweight nature of the covers makes installation quick and easy, reduces the stress put on the ceiling and significantly reduces labor costs compared to standard dry-walled box constructions. The high expansion and insulating properties of the cover ensures that both flames spread, and heat transmission are stopped for 60 minutes.

Talk to a member of our team today about how you can implement passive fire protection in your next construction project.

TENMAT Fire Rated LED Downlight Covers win Top Product Award

Electrical Products & Solutions Magazine selects TENMAT Fire Rated LED Downlight Covers as Top Product

The US trade publication Electrical Products & Solutions (EPS) has named TENMAT 1 Hour Fire Rated LED Downlight Covers one of the Top Products for electrical contractors in 2020.

EPS recognizes that the new TENMAT light covers are the most versatile solution to safely fire protect in-ceiling low-profile LED light fixtures and prevent flame spread in case of a fire.

Low-profile and wafer style LED lights are becoming increasingly popular in both retrofit and new construction applications as they consume less electricity and burn much cooler than incandescent lights. However since these lights still penetrate the fire resistance-rated ceiling, the building code requires them to be enclosed with a solution that will maintain the fire resistance rating of the ceiling assembly.

TENMAT covers were specifically designed to meet this building code requirement and provide a 1 hour fire resistance rating for your LED light fixture.

In addition, the unique design gives the architect, developer and electrical contractor more freedom in light and trim selection as the covers are suited to fit a wide range of light sizes, types and brands.

The flexible and lightweight nature of the covers makes installation quick and easy to provide a fire rated LED light, decreases the stress put on the ceiling and significantly reduces labor costs compared to standard dry-walled box constructions, making it the ideal solution for electrical contractors.

The high expansion and insulating properties of the cover ensure that both, flame spread and heat transmission, are stopped for 60 minutes (FF109-200 and/or FF109-250).

For our full line of fire rated LED light enclosures, please visit

TENMAT introduces new 1 Hour Fire Rated LED Downlight Cover

FF109 Fire Rated LED Light Cover

TENMAT is excited to introduce the FF109 Fire Rated LED Downlight Covers, the only flexible 1 hour fire barrier for low profile recessed light fixtures on the market. The TENMAT FF109  Fire Rated LED Downlight Covers are cone-shaped intumescent enclosures which have been specifically designed to help maintain the integrity of openings of up to 6” diameter in fire rated ceilings when penetrated by modern low profile LED downlight fixtures.

The ultra-flexible nature of the material allows the cover to get rolled up for easy retrofit, remodel or new construction installation from below the ceiling to protect modern low profile LED light fixture and provide a 60 minute flame, smoke and heat barrier.

The FF109 Low-Profile LED Recessed Light Covers are suitable for most low profile LED lights, ultra-thin wafer LED recessed lights, LED recessed retrofit downlights, LED recessed ceiling light and recessed spotlight remodel kits installed in fire-resistance rated floor/ceiling or roof/ceiling assemblies (attic spaces).

The unique design gives the architect, specifier and installer more freedom in fixture selection as the covers are suited to a wide range of LED models and types.

Benefits of TENMAT’s Fire Rated LED Downlight Protection Covers include:

• 1 Hour Fire Tested
• Only fire tested solution for retrofit applications
• Easy Installation – can be fitted in seconds – no screws, drilling or additional sealant required
• Ultra flexible (Ideal for remodel and retrofit applications)
• Fits most 4” and 6” low profile LED downlight fixtures
• Significant Labor savings
• Lightweight
• Flexible material enables the cover to be fitted around obstructions or retro-fitted
• Vent hole on top of the cover reduces the risk of over-heating of the light in normal use
• In a fire, the intumescent material expands 5 times of its original thickness, closing the vent hole and preventing flame spread
• Easy to remove and re-install for light fixture maintenance
• Enhances the acoustic protection of the ceiling
• Maintenance free
• 60-minute fire protection

The cones come ready-to-use and can be fitted with little or no skills and without special tools. Once in place the covers do not require any additional maintenance and are unaffected by moisture.

TENMAT Recessed Light Covers are used in thousands of applications throughout the entire United States and Canada; from small apartments, over single-family homes to multifamily dwellings, college dormitories, hospitals, assisted-living facilities, hotels and office buildings.

For more information about  TENMAT’s new 1 Hour Fire Rated LED Downlight Covers, please visit

TENMAT Fire Rated LED Light Covers

Fire Rated LED Light Enclosures for LED Luminaires

In addition to IC and Non-IC rated recessed incandescent and fluorescent light fixtures, TENMAT 1 fire rated enclosures can also be used with modern LED luminaires.

LED luminaires are becoming increasingly popular in both retrofit and new construction applications as they consume less electricity and burn much cooler than incandescent lights. However since these lights still penetrate the fire resistance-rated ceiling, the building code requires them to be enclosed with a solution that will maintain the fire resistance rating of the ceiling assembly.

TENMAT covers were specifically designed to meet this building code requirement and provide a 1 hour fire resistance rating for your LED light.

In addition, the unique design gives the architect, developer and electrical contractor more freedom in light and trim selection as the covers are suited to fit a wide range of light sizes, types and brands.

The flexible and lightweight nature of the covers makes installation quick and easy to provide a fire rated LED light, decreases the stress put on the ceiling and significantly reduces labor costs compared to standard dry-walled box constructions.

The high expansion and insulating properties of the cover ensure that both, flame spread and heat transmission, are stopped for 60 minutes (FF109-300 and/or FF109-350).

For our full line of fire rated LED light enclosures, please visit