Tenmat puts the sound back in fire rated ceiling assemblies

Tenmat announces new fire protection cover for in-ceiling loudspeakers.

Over the past few years, Delaware-based Tenmat has altered the way builders, contractors and architects deal with the problem of maintaining a ceiling’s fire rating when installing recessed light fixtures. With the introduction of the FF109-FRSC, the range of application of this highly effective product has now expanded to loudspeakers with dimensions up to 10”.

Recessed speakers in ceilings are widely used in residential and commercial buildings.

Each ceiling is subject to fire regulations and where applicable the ceiling construction needs to be fire rated. However, once a hole is made in the ceiling for recessed speakers, as well as lighting, the integrity of the construction and its ability to perform in a fire is reduced significantly. This is the reason why the NEC states in Section 640.25 about Loudspeaker Installation in Fire-Rated Partitions, Walls, and Ceilings:

“Loudspeakers installed in a fire resistance-rated partition, wall, or ceiling shall be listed for that purpose or installed in an enclosure or recess that maintains the fire resistance rating.”

In the past, sound professionals relied solely on custom-building sheetrock or drywall enclosures around speakers to maintain a ceiling’s fire-rating, which is costly and time consuming to build.

In response, Tenmat developed the FF109-FRSC, composed of an intumescent material, which allows for 60 minutes of protection from heat, flames, and smoke. In addition, the sound absorbing properties of this propitiatory intumescent material enhances the acoustic performance of the structure for crisper and clearer sound.

With the product’s easy installation and its resulting labor-savings, sound professionals worldwide value the FF109-FRSC. Additionally, the lightweight covers do not require any additional maintenance and are unaffected by moisture after installation.

The benefits of the FF109-FRSC Fire Rated Speaker Cover include:

• 1 Hour Fire Tested
• Only fire tested solution for retrofit applications
• Easy Installation – can be fitted in seconds – no screws, drilling or additional sealant required
• Ultra flexible (Ideal for remodel and retrofit applications)
• Fits most in-ceiling loudspeakers up to 10″
• Significant Labor savings
• Lightweight (1.5 lbs.)
• Flexible material enables the cover to be fitted around obstructions or retro-fitted
• In a fire, the intumescent material expands 5 times of its original thickness, closing the vent hole and preventing flame spread
• Easy to remove and re-install for light fixture maintenance
• Enhances the acoustic protection of the ceiling
• Maintenance free
• 60-minute fire protection

Tenmat is the market leader in the production of Fire Rated Recessed Light Covers which satisfies the International Building Code (IBC), as well as the National Electric Code (NEC).

Tenmat Fire Rated Speaker Covers are used in various applications throughout the entire United States and Canada; from multi-residential homes to retail spaces, hospitals, and assisted-living homes. To learn more about the Fire Rated Speaker Covers please visit the product page on tenmatusa.com .