Don’t Take a Gamble on Passive Fire Protection

Tenmat will be exhibiting at the 2023 EduCode International Conference

The only thing you shouldn’t gamble in Las Vegas is life safety. This is the reason why Tenmat will be exhibiting our line of fire-rated covers for recessed light fixtures, LED downlights, and in-ceiling loudspeakers at the 2023 EduCode Conference.
If you are an inspector, plans examiner, permit technician, code enforcement officer, building official, architect, engineer, manager, leader, director or are otherwise working or interested in a safe built community, please stop by the Tenmat Booth from February 28 to March 1. The Expo is organized by the Southern Nevada Chapter of the International Code Council where building safety professionals, code enforcement officials and inspectors go to learn about the latest products and services needed to keep buildings safe and meet and maintain compliance with accepted codes and standards.

Tenmat will be exhibiting and answering all questions about our product portfolio consisting of fire rated enclosures for recessed lights, luminaires, in-ceiling loudspeakers, and troffers. A large proportion of Tenmat’s business is working with other passive fire protection manufacturers to design, develop and fire test products for them with Tenmat intumescent material as its functioning component.

Our innovative line of UL fire rated light covers for recessed lights, in-ceiling loudspeakers, and troffers are an easy to install and cost saving option to maintain the required fire resistance of the ceiling. Tenmat’s wide product variety gives electrical contractors, architects, and electrical engineers more freedom in fixture selection as the covers are suited to fit a wide range of recessed fixtures and fluorescent luminaires.

We are looking forward to meeting you at our booth! Not Attending? If you or your agency is interested in learning more about the Safety Hazard of Unprotected Ceiling Openings. Please click here to book your FREE webinar.

Virtually meet TENMAT at EduCode 2021

Chat with the TENMAT fire protection team at the International Code Council’s EduCode Conference from March 1st to March 5th 2021.

The annual EduCode Conference and Exposition is going virtual this year and so are we. If you are an inspector, plans examiner, permit technician, code enforcement officer, building official, architect, engineer, manager, leader, director or are otherwise working or interested in a safe built community, please join us from March 1-5 online and meet us virtually in the exhibitor market place.  The Expo is organized by the Southern Nevada Chapter of the International Code Council and a virtual meeting room where building safety professionals, code enforcement officials and inspectors go to learn about the latest products and services needed to keep buildings safe and meet and maintain compliance with accepted codes and standards. EduCode 2021 promises to offer a full week of online training where attendees will receive 4.0 CEUs of ICC Provider credits.

TENMAT as a leading manufacturer of fire protection products and materials is proud to join other professionals, such as local tradesmen, architects, engineers, and fire safety professionals to exchange critical information on the latest technologies for building a safer, more resilient world.

TENMAT will be virtually exhibiting and answering all questions about our product portfolio consisting of fire rated enclosures for recessed lights, luminaires and troffers, cavity barriers for ventilated façade and cladding systems, joint seal protection, fire barriers and range of intumescent materials. A large proportion of TENMAT’s business is working with other passive fire protection manufacturers to design, develop and fire test products for them with TENMAT intumescent material as its functioning component.

Our innovative line of UL fire rated light covers for recessed lights and troffers are an easy to install and cost saving option to maintain the required fire resistance of the ceiling. TENMAT’s wide product variety gives electrical contractors, architects, and electrical engineers more freedom in fixture selection as the covers are suited to fit a wide range of recessed fixtures and fluorescent luminaires.

We are looking forward to meeting you at our virtual booth!

#tenmat #tenmatfireprotection #lifesafety #fireprotection #passivefireprotection #educode2021 #icc #iccsafe #buildingcodes #buidlingcodeeducation